Skills is an Athlete Development Program within diving that is run nationally. Skills Squad is a progression from Bounce Squad. It is the beginning of Levels - focusing primarily on Level 1 and 2. Athletes are from 6yrs+. Below we have detailed a few highlights Skills Squad focuses on:

These 90 minute sessions:

- Develops both disciplines of springboard and platform

- Introduction to competition, tactics and rules

- More complex and challenging movements

- Increased dryland time

Skills+ is an invite only class aimed at bridging the gap between Skills and Age Group Squads. It is intended that athletes who are invited to Skills+ attend this class as well as another Skills lesson on either Wednesday or Thursday.

The Athlete Development Program includes competition-based testing where athletes compete against other athletes from around New Zealand at their specific level - tested on particular skills and drills. 

From $262.50 per Term (one session pwk) + WCC pool entry.